Tuesday, June 21, 2011


8)V (pronounced " eight parentheses 'v' ") is an alien from Mars who came to Earth seeking a mating partner. After hearing from a rather inaccurate distant space magazine that humans were attracted to blue speedos, 8)V wears the spiffy tights in hopes of mating with humans. Only thing  is, it can't differentiate between males and females. It often wears a frog hat and a black jumpsuit to conceal its physical features, such as its eyes, its mouth above its nose, and having ears where one usually would have arms.

Nobody knows what lies underneath the blue speedo. Some suggest male/female body parts, but it could very well hold the key to the universe as well.

Chapter 3

After about 2 weeks, Chapter 3 is up! Tom and Lance meet up with an alien that enjoys the art of blowing -- but with its nose or with its mouth? You decide.

Also, Leyu makes a great censor face. :P

Friday, June 10, 2011


Finals are coming up and I've got a tight schedule. This weeks comic will be on delay, and will be up hopefully before next Saturday.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

hi i am unnamed alien and i wanna be in next comic. bitch nigga

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Heyo; Leyu here
This guy is the awkward out of place guy. That guy who always butts his face into things. Well, THAT guy. The only reason I'm even in this for half a day is because I begged Zach for a week and he's quite blase of rejecting me. So I'm here. Hello.
And then there was three
And then there was a three

Get to know the characters!


Thomas Teterbag is a rich kid that nobody likes. Nobody likes him because he has no social experience whatsoever, and aces every quiz, test, and exam with no effort at all. Perhaps people are simply "jelly" of his skills. His stupid lavender shirt and red tie make him the center of attention in a society filled with tools and guidos. As a total wimp in nearly every aspect of his life, God decided to send down Lance the badass in order to save Thomas from hell on Earth.
Lance is like a guardian angel, but he isn't really a guardian angel. Sure, he came down from heaven and was ordered by God to help Tom live a happy life like he truly deserves, but in reality he's a bamf that isn't afraid to beat up total assholes.Don't let the cute red heart on his shirt deceive you. He's the most vicious angel in the world. The only reason  he isn't a devil is because God needed a real man among his  angel army.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Chapter 2

New chapter is up. Lance tries to teach Tom how to say "no". However, things don't go according to plan. Looks like you can't teach squares new tricks.